At long last, Google has introduced their version of online file storage: Google Drive.
Most of my clients and colleagues have been using Dropbox to manage our gargantuan grant applications and contract proposals. How does Google Drive compare? Like Dropbox and SkyDrive, files will appear on all your devices. While Dropbox offers 2 gigs of storage free, Google Drive gives 5 gigs– although SkyDrive gives 7 for free. But Dropbox fought back this week, unveiling some awesome new features for document sharing: Apparently now every file has a link that allows you to share the file with anyone, even those who don’t use Dropbox.
All these services offer more storage for purchase. But as an article in Slate this past Tuesday points out, if you use the free storage offered by ALL of these online services, you would have almost 25 gigs of free line storage, and that number is likely to increase. So why choose?