NIH Expertise

1:1 for R or K

Our goal with an applicant is not to improve a single submission but to improve our client’s skills as an applicant, reviewer, and mentor on all grant submissions going forward. 

NIH Grantwriting Program

We work with universities and academic medical centers to mentor faculty in NIH grantwriting in the R and K Series.

The NIH Grantwriting Program is a comprehensive, multi-modal approach to give applicants the best chance of landing an NIH R or K grant.

This approach includes:

  • 1:1 mentoring, emphasizing preparatory steps before writing
  • Line-by-line editing of Specific Aims page, Research Strategy, and Biosketch; if applicable, Introduction, Candidate Section
  • Two full years of access to select virtual grantwriting courses, packed with templates and samples from recent successful applications
  • Step-by-step instructions and checklists, with progress tracked in a learning management system 
  • Reminders and interim deadlines to help pace applicants to deadline
  • Access to every-other-week live member Q & A with Dr. Bouvier and colleagues
  • After the review, a discussion of Summary Statements and next steps
Bouvier Grant Group


We contract with universities and academic medical centers on behalf of groups of R/K applicants.

We do not contract with individuals nor for individual R or K submissions. For details on contracting with our company

NIH Grant Mechanisms

These are mechanisms on which Dr. Bouvier has direct experience:

  • R01 Research Project Grant
  • R01 Katz ESI Award
  • BRP R01 Bioengineering Research Partnerships 
  • R01 Outstanding New Environmental Scientist (ONES) Award
  • R01 Partnerships for Biodefense
  • R03 Small Grant Program
  • R13 Support for Conferences and Scientific Meetings
  • R15 Academic Research Enhancement Award (AREA)
  • R18 Research Demonstration & Dissemination Projects
  • R21 Exploratory/Developmental Research Grant Award
  • R21/R33 Phased Innovation Award
  • R25 Support for Short Courses
  • R34 Clinical Trial Planning Grant
  • R35 Outstanding Investigator Award
  • R35 Maximizing Investigators’ Research Award (MIRA)
  • R37 NCI MERIT (conversion from R01)
  • R61/R33-RISK Research Innovations for Scientific Knowledge (RISK)
  • RC1 Challenge Grants
  • RC2 High Impact, Interdisciplinary Science in NIDDK Research Areas
  • RC4 Recovery Act Grants
  • K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award
  • K01 International Research Scientist Development Award (IRSDA)
  • K08 Mentored Clinical Scientist Research Career Development Award
  • K22 Career Transition Award
  • K23 Mentored Patient-Oriented Research Career Development Award
  • K99/R00 NIH Pathway to Independence Award
  • DP1 NIH Director’s Pioneer Award
  • DP2 NIH Director’s Innovator Award
  • TR01 NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award
  • DP5 NIH Director’s Early Independence Award
  • DP3 Diabetes Impact Award
  • Loan Repayment Programs
  • Minority Supplements
  • Administrative Supplements
  • Sources Sought
  • Contract Proposals
  • F31/F32

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