Supreme Court Ends Stem Cell Funding Challenge
Guest Blog by Luke Bouvier, PhD On January 7, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review Sherley vs. Sebelius,
We publish helpful tips, useful reminders, and insights on recent news that will improve your NIH grantwriting skills.
Guest Blog by Luke Bouvier, PhD On January 7, 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to review Sherley vs. Sebelius,
I love the NIH RePORTER website. One could spend hours on this site, looking at funding trends, levels, priorities, and
The great Rita Levi-Montalcini died yesterday at the age of 103. She is a towering figure in the field of
On December 7, the NIH Office of the Director issued a press release announcing a series of new initiates. The
In January 2009, NIH instituted a policy to sunset A2 applications, i.e. to eliminate a second resubmission. Since, investigators submit
I am delighted to report that Dr. Francis Collins, current NIH Director, has recently launched his own blog discussing science,
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