NIH Requests for Information
NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) will often publish Requests for Information (RFIs) for the scientific community’s input on different items.
We publish helpful tips, useful reminders, and insights on recent news that will improve your NIH grantwriting skills.
NIH Institutes and Centers (ICs) will often publish Requests for Information (RFIs) for the scientific community’s input on different items.
NIH issued updated guidance regarding marking changes in resubmission applications. Markings such as bracketing, indenting, italicizing, margin lines, change in
A Q&A with David Widmer,.PhD, founder and CEO of Vidmar-DAJ Consulting, LLC. email: [email protected], website: MB: What are NIH Equipment
Guest Post by Dr. Agnella Izzo Matic​ TL;DR – AI is a new tool that can (and should) be leveraged
The NIH Director’s Pioneer Award, known by the activity code DP1, is one of the four High-Risk, High-Reward grants issued